Former vice-president Al Gore has on numerous occasions (here, here and here) referred to his “faith tradition” as he tries to persuade Americans about impending catastrophic climate change.
Someone probably ought to tell Mr. Gore that his “faith tradition” actually teaches:
While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
And cold and heat,
And summer and winter,
And day and night
Shall not cease.
(Genesis 8.22)
In short, you can believe Al Gore and the doomsday environmentalists ... or you can believe the Bible. You really can’t do both.
Hmm, God or Al Gore. Nope, not a hard choice at all.
Ah, I love Al Gore. Just think, you wouldn't be able to blog about him if he hadn't been largely responsible for the creation of the internet back in the day.
Speaking of Al, I was at Wal-Mart tonight, and they are selling his and Tipper's self-claimed biography, "Love Story" on DVD for only $4.98.
Now that's a deal.
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